New Analysis Shows Economic Benefits of Massachusetts Clean Energy Legislation

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Leaders of the Alliance for Clean Energy Solutions (ACES), a coalition of business groups, clean energy companies, environmental organizations and health and consumer representatives dedicated to advancing clean energy for Massachusetts, issued the following statement regarding the findings of the Applied Economics Clinic report, Massachusetts 2018 ‘Act to Promote a Clean Energy Future’ Analysis:

“This analysis shows that accelerating the growth of the Renewable Portfolio Standard, increasing offshore wind and battery storage targets and removing solar net metering caps will further catalyze the clean energy economy Massachusetts has built over the last decade, creating new jobs and more choices for energy customers, with little effect on bills and rates” said NECEC Executive Vice President Janet Gail Besser and ACES Co-Leader. “As evidenced by this report, expanding clean energy markets will deliver economic, energy and environmental benefits for the Commonwealth”

“The Commonwealth of Massachusetts stands to make significant gains from ambitious action on clean energy, including thousands of good local jobs, cleaner air, and lower greenhouse gas emissions,” said Mark LeBel, Staff Attorney at Acadia Center and Co-leader of ACES. “We commend legislators in both the Senate and House for their leadership in advancing these policies and urge them to work together to open the next chapter of our clean energy era before the legislative session ends.”

About the Alliance for Clean Energy Solutions (ACES)

The Alliance for Clean Energy Solutions (ACES) is a “coalition of coalitions” comprised of business groups, clean energy companies, environmental organizations, labor, health, and consumer advocates dedicated to advancing clean energy for Massachusetts. ACES is committed to ensuring that those charged with shaping Massachusetts’ energy policies have the most rigorous, current data on the benefits and costs of clean energy. Our goal is to ensure that the Commonwealth can attain a cost-effective, reliable and diverse energy supply to power its businesses, communities and households, which will reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, create a stable and prosperous business environment and meet the Commonwealth’s greenhouse gas emissions requirements. For more information:

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