Business Leaders Advocate for Sustainable Solar Policy and Other Clean Energy Priorities at Maine Clean Energy Day

Thursday, January 25, 2018

As part of the Northeast Clean Energy Council’s (NECEC) sixth annual Maine Clean Energy Day, clean energy business leaders visited the Maine State House today to advocate for the sustainable solar policy and preserving Maine’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), among other clean energy priorities.

“Maine businesses and residents stand only to benefit from a vibrant clean energy economy,” said NECEC Executive Vice President Janet Gail Besser. “The economic, energy and environmental benefits include sustainable local jobs and investment, enhanced energy security, tools to manage energy costs, and reduced emissions, all of which will contribute to Maine's economy and quality of life."

NECEC released its 2018 Maine Clean Energy Policy Priorities, which outline key legislative priorities to advance clean energy in Maine. NECEC’s main priority is securing sustainable solar policy that protects the value of investments in existing solar projects, maintains net energy billing credits, and removes existing barriers to community shared solar. Other priorities include allowing small hydroelectric to qualify for the RPS, supporting energy efficiency programs, renewing the state’s commitment to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, and embracing clean transportation solutions like zero-emission vehicles.


NECEC (Northeast Clean Energy Council & NECEC Institute) is the premier voice of businesses building a world-class clean energy hub in the Northeast, helping clean energy companies start, scale and succeed with our unique business, innovation and policy leadership. NECEC includes the Northeast Clean Energy Council (a nonprofit business member organization), and NECEC Institute (a nonprofit focused on industry research, innovation, policy development and communications initiatives). NECEC brings together business leaders and key stakeholders to engage in influential policy discussions and business initiatives while building connections that propel the clean energy industry forward.

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