NECEC Members Call For Consistent Clean Energy Policy at Rhode Island Clean Energy Day

Monday, April 4, 2016

As part of the Northeast Clean Energy Council’s (NECEC) Fourth Annual Rhode Island Clean Energy Day, executives from a dozen clean energy businesses will visit legislators and policymakers at the Rhode Island State House today to advocate for continued support for energy policies to grow Rhode Island’s clean energy industry.

As part of Rhode Island Clean Energy Day, NECEC will present its 2016 Clean Energy Champion awards to Rhode Island General Treasurer Seth Magaziner and Rhode Island Senate President M. Teresa Paiva Weed for their leadership in advancing the clean energy economy in Rhode Island.

“The clean energy industry is creating significant economic, energy system and environmental benefits for Rhode Island and is grabbing the attention of legislative and state leaders like never before,” said NECEC President Peter Rothstein. “Senate President Paiva Weed and Treasurer Magaziner have led the way in the effort to grow vibrant and growing solar and efficiency sectors along with support for expanded financing that enable ratepayers to better manage their energy use, while expanding clean and affordable energy.”

In his first months in office Treasurer Magaziner, Rhode Island and his team pushed legislation and created Rhode Island’s new renewable energy infrastructure programs at the Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank, which will create jobs for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects across the state and help Rhode Islanders save on energy costs. This year Senate President Paiva Weed showed great leadership in putting forth several bills as part of a green-jobs initiative, called the Grow Green Jobs RI plan, which promotes renewable energy, energy efficiency, and other initiatives, as well as funds and incentives for education and job training in these areas.

“As Treasurer, I pushed for creation of new green finance programs at the Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank to make our state more economically competitive, improve energy efficiency and put Rhode Islanders back to work,” Treasurer Magaziner said. “As the Infrastructure Bank moves forward, we are committed to working closely with the Northeast Clean Energy Council to reduce Rhode Island’s carbon footprint and increase reliable and affordable energy supply across the region.”

“Jobs are being created in the clean energy sector of our economy at six times the overall rate of job growth. There is tremendous potential to build on this strength and maximize opportunities for job creation in emerging green industries,” said President Paiva Weed. “The bills generated through the Senate’s Grow Green Jobs RI action plan will help remove bureaucratic hurdles for green industries, incentivize growth in those industries, and better equip Rhode Islanders with the skills they need to succeed in the green sectors of our economy. As the residents and businesses of the Ocean State respond to challenges caused by rising seas, changing storm patterns, and limited natural gas supply to our region, we can capitalize on the opportunities for job creation.”

Today, NECEC released 2016 Rhode Island Clean Energy Policy Priorities, which outlines key legislative priorities to advance clean energy in Rhode Island, including:

  • Extension and Expansion Rhode Island’s Renewable Energy Standard
  • Extension the Rhode Island’s Renewable Energy Growth Program
  • Update and Expand Renewable Energy Fund through 2027
  • Expand Third Party Ownership for Residential Solar:
  • Expand Virtual Net Metering for Community Shared Renewables
  • Address Municipal Taxation on Clean Energy Infrastructure

Rhode Island Clean Energy Day showcases the growing vitality of the clean energy industry and the importance of consistent policy support as a means of catalyzing the state and regional economy. Rhode Island Clean Energy Champion awards are awarded to lawmakers and public officials who go above and beyond to advance clean energy in Rhode Island.

About NECEC (Northeast Clean Energy Council & NECEC Institute) is the premier voice of businesses building a world-class clean energy hub in the Northeast, helping clean energy companies start, scale and succeed with our unique business, innovation and policy leadership. NECEC includes the Northeast Clean Energy Council (a nonprofit business member organization), and NECEC Institute (a nonprofit focused on industry research, innovation, policy development and communications initiatives). NECEC brings together business leaders and key stakeholders to engage in influential policy discussions and business initiatives while building connections that propel the clean energy industry forward.

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