Business Leaders Champion Renewables as Rhode Island Leads on Clean Energy

Thursday, April 27, 2017

As part of the Northeast Clean Energy Council’s (NECEC) annual Rhode Island Clean Energy Day, clean energy business leaders visited the Rhode Island State Capitol today to share stories of significant clean energy deployment, job growth and customer benefits from Rhode Island’s clean energy leadership, while also advocating for the expansion of policies that will ensure Rhode Island citizens, municipalities, businesses, and industries reap the benefits of a secure, cost-effective, and sustainable clean energy future.

NECEC released its 2017 Rhode Island Clean Energy Policy Priorities, which outlines key policy priorities including the extension of Rhode Island’s successful Renewable Energy Growth (REG) program, which is slated to end in 2019. Extending this program will provide market certainty to renewable energy developers and help ensure Governor Raimondo’s goal of 1,000 MW of clean energy by 2020 is met.

“The Renewable Energy Growth program drives solar energy development in Rhode Island,” said NECEC President Peter Rothstein. “Extending the program through 2029, as well as advancing legislation on interconnection and municipal aggregation, will encourage clean energy businesses to continue growing their efforts in the Ocean State and spur more job growth in Rhode Island’s clean energy sector.”

Other priorities include strengthening interconnection standards and deadlines, protecting Rhode Island’s energy efficiency programs, unlocking the benefits of municipal aggregation, creating a statewide solar permit, establishing an electric vehicle rebate program, and supporting key legislation that will continue Rhode Island’s clean energy leadership.

As part of Rhode Island Clean Energy Day, NECEC recognized Senator William J. Conley, Jr. as its 2017 Rhode Island Clean Energy Champion. Senator Conley will be formally recognized at 3:00pm in the Senate Lounge. Since joining the Rhode Island Senate in 2012, Senator Conley has been a tireless champion for the clean energy industry. His leadership has been instrumental in securing the policy frameworks that have allowed clean energy jobs to expand rapidly in Rhode Island in recent years.


NECEC (Northeast Clean Energy Council & NECEC Institute) is the premier voice of businesses building a world-class clean energy hub in the Northeast, helping clean energy companies start, scale and succeed with our unique business, innovation and policy leadership. NECEC includes the Northeast Clean Energy Council (a nonprofit business member organization), and NECEC Institute (a nonprofit focused on industry research, innovation, policy development and communications initiatives). NECEC brings together business leaders and key stakeholders to engage in influential policy discussions and business initiatives while building connections that propel the clean energy industry forward.

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