NECEC Update on Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Future Events

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

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NECEC is monitoring the coronavirus situation on a daily basis to inform decisions regarding upcoming and future events. As of today, NECEC will continue to hold its scheduled events as planned, while coordinating closely with event partners and staying in touch with the changing guidance from medical and public officials.

We will also take precautionary measures to protect event attendees, including:

  • Prioritizing providing attendees and speakers with virtual connection opportunities
  • Encouraging attendees to practice everyday prevention actions as recommended by the CDC
  • Discouraging handshakes and other forms of direct contact with attendees

Recognizing that this is a rapidly evolving situation, we will communicate as soon as possible if any changes to this plan or upcoming events occur. If you have questions, please contact Communications Manager Sean Davenport.

If you are not feeling well or are concerned about in-person attendance, we encourage you to participate in NECEC's events virtually. Visit our Events page for more information about individual events.

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