NECEC Commends Framework for Regional Clean Transportation Initiative, Encourages Innovation in Technologies and Partnerships

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

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NECEC, the leading voice of the clean energy industry in the Northeast, enthusiastically supports today’s announcement from the Transportation & Climate Initiative (TCI) of a draft regional cap and invest policy proposal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector. The framework marks a critically important opportunity to eliminate emissions from the largest contributing sector to climate change, all while spurring innovation in how people and goods move around.

“Today’s announcement shows the path for a strong, durable framework built with flexibility to encourage private and public investments across the region while reducing emissions from the transportation sector,” said NECEC President Peter Rothstein. “As the TCI process moves forward, we encourage states to implement pilot and demonstration programs that embrace new technologies to electrify transportation, and support innovative partnerships and business models to advance modernized, clean transportation systems and solutions.”

NECEC and our member companies are committed to creating an equitable, non-emitting transportation system that is inclusive of both urban and rural communities and that works for our economy and the environment.

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