NECEC Applauds Speaker DeLeo’s Efforts on GreenWorks Legislation

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

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NECEC President Peter Rothstein made the following statement in support of the GreenWorks legislation (H. 3846), scheduled for hearing before the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy today:

“NECEC commends Speaker Robert DeLeo and House Energy Chairman Tom Golden for their leadership on addressing climate change through the GreenWorks legislation (H.3846), currently before the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy (TUE). The bill demonstrates a significant commitment to the Commonwealth’s clean energy future by establishing a roadmap for a $1.3 billion infusion into clean energy technologies and strategies that will directly benefit our cities and towns. With a clean energy workforce already more than 100,000 strong, GreenWorks will undoubtedly drive long-term economic development of this critical sector of the Massachusetts economy. We look forward to working with Speaker DeLeo, Chairman Golden, and members of both the House and Senate to ensure GreenWorks becomes law. At the same time, we encourage the Legislature to take complementary legislative action to advance other clean energy priorities, ensuring that every dollar of GreenWorks goes further and the Massachusetts clean energy economy continues to grow."

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