NECEC Members Visit Connecticut State House to Advocate for Codifying Emissions Reduction Goals and Other Clean Energy Priorities

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

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A vibrant clean energy industry will bring investment and jobs to Connecticut and ensure that its citizens, businesses, and industries can take advantage of the benefits of clean energy. With that in mind, NECEC and nearly 15 member companies visited the State Capitol in Hartford for Connecticut Clean Energy Day. There, they participated in a briefing with Governor Ned Lamont, Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Deputy Commissioner Vicki Hackett, and Public Utilities Regulatory Authority Chair Marissa Gillet. Members then met in small groups with legislators.

NECEC released its 2020 Connecticut Clean Energy Policy Priorities, which outline key legislative policies to advance clean energy in Connecticut. Priorities include codifying emissions reduction goals, establishing an energy storage roadmap, removing the virtual net metering camp, and ensuring future incentive programs are effectively designed, among others. NECEC is committed to working with the General Assembly and state officials to achieve a cleaner, cheaper, and more resilient energy future for Connecticut.

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