New England Cleantech Landscape 2021

Tuesday, March 23, 2021


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New England is fortunate to have more than 200 institutions, incubators, and accelerator programs focused on providing support for cleantech research, innovation, and entrepreneurship. These institutions help startups at all stages of development by providing critical resources like business training, marketing guidance, mentorship, and more. But for many cleantech entrepreneurs, this landscape of support organizations can be difficult to navigate.

New England Cleantech Landscape 2021 was a special event from NECEC hosted in February 2021 that brought together concept and early-stage startup founders with startup support organizations specializing in cleantech to help founders:

CONNECT with experts who can guide startups in their journey from idea to commercialization.

DISCUSS ideas and challenges with other entrepreneurs and learn from their experiences.

ACCESS a guide showcasing resources available along the path to entrepreneurial success.

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