NECEC's Cleantech Financial Innovation Summit

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


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NECEC’s fifth annual Cleantech Financial Innovation Summit will convene cleantech and finance business leaders for a series of panel discussions and a facilitated breakout session aimed at sharing the latest cleantech financial innovations. From early-stage venture investment through scale-up and deployment capital, our speakers will explore the innovations enabling growth and positive economic impact in the region’s clean energy markets. Speakers will also share leading-edge approaches to accelerating cleantech solutions in the Northeast.

Building on themes and strategies from across the industry, this year’s event will highlight the latest investing models and capital formation initiatives to bring aligned capital to cleantech innovation, market formation, deployment, and scale-up. These initiatives include combining multiple forms of capital for risk management of clean economy projects involving new technology, regional and global syndication networks, public/private partnerships enabling clean energy deployment and operation of new clean economy systems, plus new energy services business and financing models that are supporting new solutions in the 21st century electricity system and clean transportation markets.

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