

Navigate Investor Corporate Customer Connect - Boston 2024

Date & Time

10:00 am
10:00 pm


Mintz 1 Financial Center Boston, MA 02111


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NECEC's Navigate Program offers first-class development support and industry connections to young firms with pioneering technologies and ideas. Its mission is to accelerate the commercialization of innovative cleantech and climate tech solutions on the challenging journey to net zero emissions. With a broad partner network from across North America and Europe, the Navigate program creates an ecosystem that facilitates technology and business alliances and supports startups in developing their ideas from the pilot phase all the way to commercialization.

Investor Corporate Customer Connect (ICCC) is the signature Navigate event, bringing together investors, corporate strategics, and customers with the world's most promising cleantech and climatech startups to foster investment and partnership opportunities. See our ICCC Overview here for more information.

To get a sense of investors, corporates, customers, and startups that have attended past ICCC events, see our 2024 June ICCC event program.


ICCC Investors Corporate Networking and Conversations

Before starting curated 1:1 meetings, investors and corporate will have a chance to talk and exchange their thoughts about high-potential technologies and solutions that can play a role in helping us meet climate goals.

ICCC 1x1 Meetings

Startups and investors, corporates, and customers undergo a curated schedule of 1x1 meetings, based on detailed investment and/or partnership criteria. Through a rigorous referral and application process the Navigate team and our ICCC Steering Committee select cleantech/climatech startups from across North America and Europe to participate in the event.

ICCC Networking Reception

Following the ICCC meetings, all attendees are invited to the ICCC Reception to connect with other attendees and guests of NECEC to celebrate a productive day and enjoy food and drinks. The reception will be held in the same venue as the ICCC meetings.


10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Investors and Corporates Check-in

*Investors and Corporates must check in by 10:30 am. The other attendees must check in by 12:30.

10:30 AM - 12:15 PM

Investors and Corporates Networking Session

12:15 PM - 1:00 PM


1:00 PM - 1:15 PM

ICCC Welcome Session

1:20 PM - 4:30 PM

ICCC Curated 1:1 Meetings

4:30 PM - 6:30 PM

ICCC Networking Reception


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